Couples and Family Counseling
Two Rivers specializes in offering counseling and therapeutic services for Couples and Families including pre-marital, marriage, family, blended family, attachment, and a full range of parenting concerns. We focus on providing the support and interventions needed to repair and strengthen your most important relationships.
Individual Counseling
Two Rivers seeks to provide a safe and personal environment where individuals have the space to be honest with themselves and others. We work with you and your goals for counseling, listen and learn fro you as you present to your concerns. We offer guided support you as you learn and shape strategies needed to reach your specific goals for change.
Substance Abuse Counseling
Two Rivers offers Substance Abuse Treatment, Education and Counseling using various clinical approaches to include: Motivational Enhancement, Cognitive Restructuring, 12-Step Models, & Thrive, our proprietary early-intervention treatment approach.
Since 1993
We're Here When You Need Us
To start, bravo for reaching out for help. The fact that you are reading this page means that you have taken the first step to getting better, and it is a big one so congratulations on starting your journey! At Two Rivers, our staff believe in the journey and can help serve as guides for those seeking assistance and support on their journey toward self-awareness, discovery, understanding, and wellness.
We strive to provide a safe and peaceful space in which individuals can learn new ways to approach each joy, sorrow, obstacle, and opportunity presented in the context of day-to-day living thereby aiding them as they move toward their life goals.
We also believe that a supportive, caring, and honest relationship with each client is of utmost importance and strive to maintain a present, compassionate, and open-minded consciousness throughout the therapy process. We are humbled and honored to share in the journey. Let’s get started Today so you can get back to Being You.

Next Steps...
If you're looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation or you're just ready to move in a new direction in your life, Two Rivers looks forward to working with you to achieve your goals.
Please call or email today for an individual, couples or family therapy consultation.